Monday, 5 December 2011

pretty little thing

isn't she a beauty?

I totally forgot to show her to you
my husband bought it for me
at the local car boot sale
right before my open studios
back at the end August!

I have never heard of Jones, but
many people who have seen her know that name
I have only seen Singers so beautifully decorated I know why
Jones was a sewing machine company
started in Manchester in the 1800s

I saw these jugs outside of a furniture restoration place down from my house

ok, when I first saw the sign, it said
"100yr old Polish Jugs"
and I wondered why they had jugs from Poland?
luckily, I kept my mouth shut
when I went in to buy them
the guy who helped me started telling me
they had a huge pile of them
in their studio

they were at least 100yrs old........
and stored.......polish

where am I? furniture restorer.......polish
not Polish!

don't tell Mr, but I am secretly hoarding things to take back with me
ok, not so secretly as he immediately noticed the jugs
but he didn't say anything
well, actually, he did start in on
"no room, shipping costs"
but then he stopped
I think it might have to do with the
blue and white plate
you can just see in the background in the photo
which he came home with a few days earlier!

not much in the creativity line has been happening

my main dilemma, other than packing up my studio
which isn't really a dilemma, more of a
just get on with it!

I have to pack up the studio and have it empty
by the end of the month
ok, no problem
I am going to be here for a few more months into the new year
do I bring my sewing machine to the house?
how bout materials?
where will they go?
can use the dining table....
but there isn't anywhere to store anything
if I actually use the dining table for eating
(yes, I do use it for eating, thank you)

what will I be working on?
what materials do I bring with me?


on another note;
it is finally getting cold!
I like that

but....the usual problem
do I decorate for the holidays?
or they should probably go into storage
with the rest of the studio things
since we will be at hubbie's parents

some day......I would like to really decorate our house
and be there to enjoy it for a bit

hope everyone is doing well
thank you so much for being here



  1. Love her ...I have a Jones obviously as its my surname too.......I have a collection of old sewing machines .....and a tattoo of one on my arm..i am obsessed with them if ever you needed a now home for her ........:))...xx
